"Effective Cyber Defence" is a guide from Centre for Cybersecurity to the fundamentals of effective cyber defence and response to cyber attacks.


This guidance is build around six steps that can guide government authorities and private organisations in building a foundation for their cyber defense. If an organisation implements these steps, it will be able to prevent a significant number of the attempted cyber attacks that hit government and the private sector regularly, and the organisation will be able to respond to and manage an attack that slips through the defences.


The guidance is based on well-established pratice that Centre for Cybersecurity has compiled from both the public and private sector. One especially important takeaway from the guidance is that vigilance from top level management is a key requisite for an effective cyber defence. Management must lead in cyber and information security and it must support, prioritise and follow up on goals and strategies on a regular basis, following similar principles as managing finance and HR. An effective cyber defence is not a one-off project, but should be a continuous process which must be constantly evaluated and optimised.


This guidance is suited for all government authorities and all of the private sector and is primarily directed at the mangement level and those working with cyber and information security.

  • Author

    Centre for Cybersecurity

  • Release Date

    October 2, 2023

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